Thursday, February 17, 2011

personal finances help

style="text-align: center;">

/> [style="text-decoration: underline;">Ed. note: This post is authored by Evan Jowers and Robert Kinney of Kinney Recruiting, sponsor of the Asia Chronicles. Kinney has made more placements of U.S. associates and partners in Asia than any other firm in the past four years. You can reach them by email: asia at kinneyrecruiting dot com.]

Evan here. Please check out our daily blog at where we will have more posts than those that appear here. Today, for example, we have this post and also a post from Alexis Lamb regarding the Singapore market – “Singapore Swing.”

Please note that Robert Kinney and I will be working from our Hong Kong offices for a few weeks later this month and can be available for meetings with our readers then. Alexis, of course, is based permanently in Hong Kong.

Three Quick hits of the day (a new feature at One US firm in Hong Kong now has an expat / cola allowance of over $90,000 for single associates and over $100,000 for married associates; Almost every strong US cap markets practice in HK / China is hiring lateral associates now; It has recently become more common for US and UK firms in Singapore to offer an expat / cola allowance, albeit much smaller than in HK (for years, most firms offered no allowance in Singapore).

While interviewing for a US associate position in Asia can be quite different from interviewing for a spot down the street in New York or another major domestic market there are also some similarities to a job search in any domestic market. The key determining factors on whether you will have a chance at interviewing are top firm experience and impressive law school academics. The other obvious factor determining whether you will be asked to interview, at least for most positions in Asia, is language skills (Mandarin, Korean, Japanese). id="more-56969">

However, once you are in an interview, whether by phone, VC or in person, your stellar resume is not going to help you as much as it would in an interview for a US position. Overseas partners are looking for the right personality fit much more so than in a large domestic office. A major reason for this is because the offices are much smaller overseas, making it harder to hide a misfit (even a junior associate can be the face of the firm), but there are other reasons as well.

At a basic level, the factors that are especially important to demonstrate in an interview overseas are these:

• you have an entrepreneurial nature;

• you have a high level of maturity for your experience level;

• you have an outgoing personality (not overly “academic” in nature);

• you are able to fit in with different cultures;

• your personal presentation is generally positive; and

• you are a team player (no prima donnas need apply)

• you have a demonstrated interest / connection to your target market

These are obviously all factors that are relevant in any interview at least as “plus factors”, but these particular factors are especially important in Asia.

Keep in mind that within minutes of your first interview, most partners can pretty much figure out whether you have these attributes. Any of us at Kinney Recruiting can figure this out about candidates we speak to in minutes as well.

There is a much less structured environment for associates in busy overseas U.S. practices (at the smaller offices or newer practice groups it can be similar to working in a exciting start-up company, albeit one extremely well financed).

The market is such in Asia, especially in China, that firm clients are not nearly as institutionalized as in the major US markets. Sure, many US firms in Asia opened offices there initially to follow major clients. Nevertheless, the pitch environment is much more of a free-for-all in Asia, especially in China. A firm not being on the preferred vendors list at an i-bank, fund or other entity often does not even prevent representation from happening in Asia (while it is more difficult, a series of one time waivers for a firm by a client are not uncommon). In China especially, considering all the state run enterprise business, the vast majority of the IPOs being handled by PRC banks, and many emerging companies and funds, there is a lot of pitching going on by firms for this work. Further, while in New York deals are done mainly over the phone, in Asia there are a lot of in-person meetings throughout the process.

Needless to say, there is a lot of client contact for even junior associates, especially when in China a non-Chinese partner may be leaning heavily on his Mandarin-fluent associates for a lot more than due diligence. Mid-level associates in Asia are typically running their own deals.

In many instances in Asia your training is one-on-one mentoring from a partner or two, quite commonly with no senior associates in between.

Maturity is especially important in Asia because associates are given as much responsibility as they can handle. Simply put, a mature person can balance his or her workload between competing demands more than an immature one. There can be a lot of travel to meet with major clients and each associate, no matter how junior, is usually a vital part of their office’s overall practice and client development and retention. Each associate is also expected to be a self-starter and figure out things on the fly much more than is the case in a domestic office of the same firm.

The smaller offices of course make personality fit and personal presentation more important, for obvious reasons. As an associate at a top U.S. practice in Asia, you are more of a vital piece of the entire office’s practice and your personality is going to directly affect the firm’s practice. Senior partners overseas, especially those that moved to Asia from U.S. offices, have in many cases put a tremendous amount of effort (and some career risk) into building their book of business and reputation in a foreign country. Thus, they can take a lot of pride in their accomplishments, as they should. Understandably they want to avoid placing their reputation and practice in the hands of an associate with whom they do not have a strong personality fit or who cannot be counted on to be at his or her best every day.

As an associate in a large New York (or other major US market) office, with hundreds of attorneys, you surely know a number of very impressive young associate colleagues who are perhaps a bit over academic, but perform just fine in that large office environment. However, being too academic and not well rounded will not serve well in an entrepreneurial and less structured environment of a busy small overseas US corporate practice of a top firm. We have seen countless cases where the less impressive candidate on paper wins out over the more impressive resumed candidates, due to being better rounded and the right personality fit.

Most US partners who have been in Asia for a few years or more have experienced a hire gone bad simply because the US associate ultimately could not commit to the geographic market. Asia, especially China, is hot now and is considered “the place to be.” There are many very well intentioned and able young professionals in the US who believe they would like to relocate there, but ultimately find out later that the region is not for them. Thus, many US partners will take a jaded approach into an interview with a US associate who does not have an obvious connection to the particular target Asia market. Of course, a connection to the market is not a requirement to land there (if it were, most partners you are interviewing with would never have landed there to begin with), but the lack of a strong connection will need to be dealt with in an interview. It is ok to want to be in Hong Kong, for example, because it is an exciting market, has great deal flow, and you have visited there a few times, but the message has to be conveyed loud and clear in an interview and you need to be prepared to take on this elephant in the room early.

Keep in mind that U.S. firms have more risk with hires they make overseas, due to the high level of responsibility each associate has, and also because associates are simply less fungible in small, busy overseas offices. The past two years of economic downturn in the West caused full and partial hiring freezes at firms globally, even during most of the recent 20 months boom in China. Many U.S. practices in Asia have found themselves to be severely understaffed when just one or two associates leave, combined with increased deal flow. In a busy and competitive lateral hiring market in Asia, it can easily take a U.S. practice up to six months to replace a key associate that has not worked out.

Further, there is the added cost a firm takes on when hiring a U.S. associate lateral, especially if from the U.S. markets, such as annual housing / expat packages (which can run from $40,000 to $140,000 depending on the Asia market and firm) and international relocation costs, which includes up to two months in a luxury serviced apartment. Some firms even handle private school tuition for associates’ children.

I have exciting news this morning. I am launching a campaign to recall Illinois governor Pat Quinn.

This is not a frivolous effort. It is a serious undertaking and one in which I intend to see to the end. It will take hard work and lots of volunteers but we will be successful.

I need volunteers to ...

  • Gather signatures
  • Talk to state legislative representatives to get them on board
  • Provide legal help
  • Design a website
  • Help with advertising

I will pay for website hosting and domain names.

We need to be successful because Governor Quinn has plans that will destroy Illinois.

Massive Tax Hikes Will Drive Businesses Out Of Illinois

The Chicago Tribune reports Governor Quinn has reached a deal with top Democratic lawmakers including Senate President John Cullerton to ....

  • Hike the state income tax by 75%, from 3% to 5.25%
  • Hike the corporate income tax rate by 75% from 4.8% to 8.4%
  • Hike the cigarette tax by $1 a pack
  • Use the tax hikes to borrow more money to fund pension plans

The Tribune notes "As a measure of how desperate state government's finances are, Cullerton said the state would use the income-tax hike to borrow $12.2 billion. Of that, $8.5 billion would pay overdue bills and $3.7 billion would cover a government worker pension payment lawmakers skipped when putting together the current budget, he said."

Raising corporate and personal income taxes to borrow $12.2 billion is not "desperation", it is fiscal insanity. It will drive businesses out of Illinois and push many struggling taxpayers into bankruptcy.

Quinn is unlikely to get all of those measures passed, but it does not matter. Those are his intentions and they they show his blatant incompetence and disregard for both taxpayers and businesses. Moreover, he will try again.

Enough Is Enough

John Tillman at the Illinois Policy Institute says ...
Amazingly, the deal will also hike the corporate income tax rate. Combined with the personal property replacement tax and the federal corporate tax, Illinois would have one of the HIGHEST corporate income tax rates in the world. You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out this means bad news for job growth in Illinois.

With high property taxes, high sales taxes and now high income taxes, the flight to low-tax states will only pick up speed.
Enough is enough.
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels On Quinn's Plan

The Illinois Policy Institute is not the only one who thinks Governor Quinn's proposal would be horrid for Illinois. So does Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels according to The Northwest Times of Indiana.
"We already had an edge on Illinois in terms of the cost of doing business, and this is going to make it significantly wider," Daniels said.

The Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan tax research group in Washington, noted if the proposed corporate tax hike becomes law, Illinois businesses will pay the highest combined national-local corporate tax rate in the industrialized world.

That is the wrong course for Illinois to take, Daniels said.

"It does show that you can make very different choices, and the contrast between the choice we've made and the one they have is stark," he said. "Obviously I think ours is wiser, but self-governance means people get what they vote for."
Indeed, people get what they vote for, but how did Quinn win?

Governor Quinn Bought The Election

Governor Quinn barely won the election against a very weak opponent in spite of an amazing 85% vote turnout for Quinn in Chicago. Sadly, Mayor Daley did nothing to stop this, although the mayor is complaining mightily now about the Governor's proposals.

“It’s worth remembering that Governor Quinn only found one program—out of thousands—to veto outright when he signed this year’s spending bill in July. Had he taken a closer look at structural spending reforms and not agreed to politically motivated “no layoff and closure” deals with public employee unions, we could be on the path back to recovery instead of being stuck in ever-mounting debt,” noted John Tillman at the Illinois Policy Institute.

Those "no layoff" agreements bought Quinn votes. So did other union-pandering deals. It did not matter that Illinois could not afford those deals. Quinn did what he could to get elected, taxpayers be damned.

There still is no serious discussion from Quinn as to how to rein in exorbitant taxpayer giveaways to public unions. His only "solution" is to raise taxes.

Four Big States - Four Big Problems

California, Illinois, and New York all have massive fiscal problems. They all have other things in common.

  • Collective Bargaining
  • Prevailing Wage Laws
  • Illinois, California, and New York are NOT "Right to Work" states

In essence, Public unions own Illinois, California, and New York.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is starting to turn things around. Wisconsin and Ohio also have newly elected governors willing to take on public unions.

In Illinois, Governor Quinn remains beholden to public unions, not taxpayers, in spite of massive voter rejections nationally of tax-and-spend policies.

Organized labor contributed mightily to his campaign, and Governor Quinn wants to pay them back. His proposals will do that by taking money out of your pocket so that the public unions get wages and benefits that most taxpayers will never see.

Quinn bought the election, even if barely.

Constitutional Amendment To Recall Governors

Last November, Illinois voters were presented a chance to vote on a constitutional amendment allowing governors to be recalled. I am pleased to report the Illinois Governor Recall Amendment Passes With Two-Thirds Of Vote.
The Illinois constitution was changed last night, with an amendment swept in by a wide margin.

Over two million voters approved a process for the public to recall governors during their term, giving the measure well over the 60 percent of voters required for its passage. The amendment is widely viewed as a reaction to the corruption charges against former Governor Rod Blagojevich.
What Does A Recall Effort Take?

  • A voter has to file an affidavit stating his or her intent to circulate petitions to recall the governor. The affidavit cannot be filed until after the governor has served six months in office.
  • Permission from lawmakers: The affidavit has to include the signatures of 20 members of the Illinois House and 10 members of the Illinois Senate. Half of the signatures from lawmakers have to be from Democrats and half from Republicans.
  • Petitioners have to gather signatures equal to 15 percent of the number of people who voted in the last gubernatorial election.
  • Of those signatures, organizers would have to get at least 100 signatures in each of at least 25 different counties. Petitioners would have 150 days to get them and the State Board of Elections would have 100 days to certify them.
  • When would the recall election be held? No later than 100 days after the State Board of Elections certifies the signatures.
  • Passage: A majority of voters have to vote to recall the governor in order for him or her to be removed.
  • Who becomes governor: If the governor is recalled, the lieutenant governor becomes acting governor until a special election is held. If there is no lieutenant governor, the attorney general becomes acting governor. If there is no attorney general, the secretary of state becomes acting governor.
  • Special election: A special election to select a new governor has to be held within 60 days if the governor is recalled. That process starts on the day of the recall election if multiple candidates from the same political party file for the office. If that’s the case, a special primary election would be held on the same day of the recall election. Candidates must gather 5,000 signatures in order to run in the special election. The new governor will serve for the unexpired portion of the recalled governor’s term.
  • The Better Government has noted that nothing in the amendment prevents the recalled governor from running in the special election after he or she is recalled. It also noted that the amendment does not require grounds for recall.

The above bullet points are from the State Journal Register.

Note that the amendment does not require grounds for a recall, but we have them: Blatant fiscal incompetence and vote buying.

The state House of Representatives consists of 118 representatives elected from individual legislative districts for a two-year term with no limits. The Illinois Senate is consists of 59 senators with staggered two- or four-year terms.

Thus, getting approval from 20 members of the Illinois House and 10 members of the Illinois Senate (half from Democrats and half from Republicans) is not a prohibitive task.

Governor Quinn Supports Recalls

It is a fitting sense of irony that Governor Quinn Trumpets Recalls.

"I think the ultimate way to get ethics in Illinois is have the power of recall in our constitution," Quinn said.

I could not possibly agree more with Governor Quinn. It is perhaps the only major political stance he has taken that I can endorse 100%.

Will You Stand Up To The Injustice?

We have to wait six months to file, but there is no sense in waiting. There are many tasks to be performed and I will need volunteers from every county to gather signatures. I estimate we need about 520,000 signatures. My goal is to get 700,000.

If you can volunteer, time, web design, advertising, legal help, or any kind of general assistance, I would appreciate it. We need to put a stop to Quinn's proposals that will drive businesses and jobs out of the state and massively raise your taxes as part of the bargain.

Please email Recall Governor Pat Quinn Today ( and lend your support to the effort to save the state of Illinois from Quinn's fiscal recklessness. Please let me know what you can do to help.

Mike "Mish" Shedlock
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Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

Pilot <b>News</b>: Bello Takes on &#39;Prime Suspect,&#39; A &#39;Lostie&#39; Returns <b>...</b>

It's casting season in Hollywood and familiar names are being snatched up by studios. Maria Bello will play a famed detective, Christine Lahti will be a doctor (again), Michael Emerson will play a billionaire and James Van Der.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

Pilot <b>News</b>: Bello Takes on &#39;Prime Suspect,&#39; A &#39;Lostie&#39; Returns <b>...</b>

It's casting season in Hollywood and familiar names are being snatched up by studios. Maria Bello will play a famed detective, Christine Lahti will be a doctor (again), Michael Emerson will play a billionaire and James Van Der.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

Pilot <b>News</b>: Bello Takes on &#39;Prime Suspect,&#39; A &#39;Lostie&#39; Returns <b>...</b>

It's casting season in Hollywood and familiar names are being snatched up by studios. Maria Bello will play a famed detective, Christine Lahti will be a doctor (again), Michael Emerson will play a billionaire and James Van Der.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

Pilot <b>News</b>: Bello Takes on &#39;Prime Suspect,&#39; A &#39;Lostie&#39; Returns <b>...</b>

It's casting season in Hollywood and familiar names are being snatched up by studios. Maria Bello will play a famed detective, Christine Lahti will be a doctor (again), Michael Emerson will play a billionaire and James Van Der.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

Pilot <b>News</b>: Bello Takes on &#39;Prime Suspect,&#39; A &#39;Lostie&#39; Returns <b>...</b>

It's casting season in Hollywood and familiar names are being snatched up by studios. Maria Bello will play a famed detective, Christine Lahti will be a doctor (again), Michael Emerson will play a billionaire and James Van Der.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

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Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

Pilot <b>News</b>: Bello Takes on &#39;Prime Suspect,&#39; A &#39;Lostie&#39; Returns <b>...</b>

It's casting season in Hollywood and familiar names are being snatched up by studios. Maria Bello will play a famed detective, Christine Lahti will be a doctor (again), Michael Emerson will play a billionaire and James Van Der.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

Pilot <b>News</b>: Bello Takes on &#39;Prime Suspect,&#39; A &#39;Lostie&#39; Returns <b>...</b>

It's casting season in Hollywood and familiar names are being snatched up by studios. Maria Bello will play a famed detective, Christine Lahti will be a doctor (again), Michael Emerson will play a billionaire and James Van Der.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

benchcraft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

Pilot <b>News</b>: Bello Takes on &#39;Prime Suspect,&#39; A &#39;Lostie&#39; Returns <b>...</b>

It's casting season in Hollywood and familiar names are being snatched up by studios. Maria Bello will play a famed detective, Christine Lahti will be a doctor (again), Michael Emerson will play a billionaire and James Van Der.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

bench craft company scam

Fox <b>News</b> passes off CPAC 2010 footage of boos for Ron Paul as from <b>...</b>

Video has surfaced from Fox News's coverage of last week's Conservative Political Action Conference demonstrating that Fox misused footage following the announcement that Texas Rep. Ron Paul won the 2011 CPAC presidential straw poll. ...

Pilot <b>News</b>: Bello Takes on &#39;Prime Suspect,&#39; A &#39;Lostie&#39; Returns <b>...</b>

It's casting season in Hollywood and familiar names are being snatched up by studios. Maria Bello will play a famed detective, Christine Lahti will be a doctor (again), Michael Emerson will play a billionaire and James Van Der.

Lost: Internet Marketing <b>News</b>, If Found Please Let Us Know

You've heard of a slow news day, right? How about a slow news year? So far, 2011 has been a ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Money Uk

vicious vixen 1/20/11, 10:40:PM

@mike… Actually no I don’t… I HATE the state of today’s “Hip Hop” (with a few exceptions – VERY few). And I’m not going to argue with you about how demeaning rappers are when it comes to women (calling them hoes, etc) because they most certainly are EXTREMELY mysogynistic. My problem with Lacey’s comment was the fact that she stated these black ugly hoes were tarnishing DIDDY’S “image”… Really? That coon (diddy) HAS no positive image! Furthermore, why is the “black” in her comment so negative sounding? Because they don’t fit into the European blonde hair, blue eyed idea of beauty they’re ugly? C’mon Son!

IDAPT is pretty keen on universal charging, but with its latest model there’s a dash of earth-friendliness in there too. The IDAPT i1 Eco boasts compatibility with over 4,000 devices – assisted by the fact that there’s a regular USB output on there – and automatically shuts off when your gadgets are rejuiced.

Two devices can be recharged simultaneously, and using IDAPT’s interchangeable IDAPT Tips the i1 Eco can handle Apple gadgets as well. In the box are three standard Tips – a 30-pin Apple dock connector, miniUSB and microUSB – while input options include 12V from your car or 100V-240V AC for travelling.

IDAPT expects the i1 Eco to go on sale in Q2 2011, and be priced at around €20.

Press Release:

IDAPT i1 Eco – Dual Universal Charger – €20.00 with 3 tips

– Target price under 20 Euros with 3 IDAPT tips TBC

- Available in Q2 2011

- a unique lasting and upgradeable product

- iPad/iPhone/Android/HP/Nokia/Samsung Compatible

- compatible with 4000+ devices

- Mains or car use

IDAPT, a mobile power leader based in Barcelona, is excited to

announce the new i1 Eco dual universal charger. The compact

IDAPT i1 Eco is made of recycled materials, meets Energy Star

standards, and minimises the user’s carbon footprint while charging

most electronic devices.

The IDAPT i1 Eco has two points of charge, a USB port and a tip port.

The future-proof interchangeable tips system used on all IDAPT chargers

makes the IDAPT i1 Eco compatible with over 4,000 different devices including

iPad and iPhone as well as BlackBerry, Nintendo PSP, XBOX controllers, GPS

systems and Bluetooth products.

Charges just about every gadget there is – anywhere

- 1 x IDAPT tip point of charge, 5VDC up to 850mA

- 3 x IDAPT Tips supplied Mini USB, Micro USB, iPod/Phone 30 pin

- 1 x USB charge point, 5VDC up to 1A (for iPad and more)

- tips available for almost every phone/smartphone/tablet on the planet

- iPad/Pod/Phone/Blackberry/Kindle/Samsung Tab Galaxy etc etc

- almost every MP3 Player / GPS System / Games Controller & more

- compatible with 4000+ devices

- 12v car input (through MicroUSB)

- universal Voltage (100~240v)

Eco features

- made of recycled materials

- no chemical painting

- auto-off system with re-start button

- meets Energy Star standards

- minimises the user’s carbon footprint

- a lasting and upgradeable product

- long working life due to future-proof tip system

The IDAPT i1 Eco charger helps conserve energy through its Auto-off

system which turns off the charger while not in use and a re-start

button to wake it when necessary.

The dual charger can recharge mobile devices while at home or on the

go, via 100v to 240v wall sockets or the included car adapter, with minimal

impact on the environment.

Additionally, no chemical painting is used in manufacturing in order to

ease the process of future recycling.

Future-proof – compatible with 4000+ devices

As of Feb 2011 IDAPTs will charge over 4000+ mobile devices and new tips

are being introduced on a regular basis, making IDAPT future-proof. The

USB port covers all devices like iPads and big tablets not suitable for tip use.

The whole concept of IDAPT’s interchangeable tips makes this charger

a lasting and upgradeable product. Most chargers become useless once

users change phone or get another gadget, so they have to be dumped,

causing damage to the environment. By having this charger one only needs

to replace a tip and recycle the old one, saving energy and money.

- AA/AAA batteries

- Nintendo, Sony PSP, X-Box Controllers

- iPod / iPhone (latest generation compatible)

- iPad via high-power iPad verified USB port

- LG1

- Multi-tip A – Samsung / Kyocera / Audiovox / LG / Kindle and many more

- microUSB – Plantronics / Motorola / Blackberry and many more

- miniUSB – Garmin / Magellan / Tom Tom / Navigon and more

- Nintendo DS-L / DSi

- Nokia 1 / Nokia 2

- HP/Palm

- PSP Go

- Samsung 1 / 2/ 3/ 4

- Sansa

- Sony Ericsson 1 / 2

- Almost all GPS Systems

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CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt - From <b>...</b>

CBS says Logan was the victim of “a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating” while covering the events in Egypt last week.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt - From <b>...</b>

CBS says Logan was the victim of “a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating” while covering the events in Egypt last week.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt - From <b>...</b>

CBS says Logan was the victim of “a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating” while covering the events in Egypt last week.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt - From <b>...</b>

CBS says Logan was the victim of “a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating” while covering the events in Egypt last week.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt - From <b>...</b>

CBS says Logan was the victim of “a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating” while covering the events in Egypt last week.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt - From <b>...</b>

CBS says Logan was the victim of “a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating” while covering the events in Egypt last week.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt - From <b>...</b>

CBS says Logan was the victim of “a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating” while covering the events in Egypt last week.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt - From <b>...</b>

CBS says Logan was the victim of “a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating” while covering the events in Egypt last week.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

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CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted in Egypt - From <b>...</b>

CBS says Logan was the victim of “a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating” while covering the events in Egypt last week.

Small Business <b>News</b>: Happy Valentine&#39;s Day!

Valentine's Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer.

CBS <b>News</b>&#39; Lara Logan in hospital after sexual assault in Egypt <b>...</b>

CBS News announced Tuesday that correspondent Lara Logan — who was on location in Egypt covering the protests against now former President Hosni Mubara...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Making Money Scams

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Work at home scam by koka_sexton

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Is This the Best <b>News</b> Picture in the World? World Press Photo <b>...</b>

Jodi Bieber wins the World Press Photo of the Year for her portrait of an Afghan woman who was disfigured by her husband on authority of the Taliban.

Makeover-O-Matic: How Charlie Sheen can go from really gritty <b>...</b>

It seems that Charlie Sheen's wild lifestyle has finally caught up with.

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Work at home scam by koka_sexton

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Is This the Best <b>News</b> Picture in the World? World Press Photo <b>...</b>

Jodi Bieber wins the World Press Photo of the Year for her portrait of an Afghan woman who was disfigured by her husband on authority of the Taliban.

Makeover-O-Matic: How Charlie Sheen can go from really gritty <b>...</b>

It seems that Charlie Sheen's wild lifestyle has finally caught up with.

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Is This the Best <b>News</b> Picture in the World? World Press Photo <b>...</b>

Jodi Bieber wins the World Press Photo of the Year for her portrait of an Afghan woman who was disfigured by her husband on authority of the Taliban.

Makeover-O-Matic: How Charlie Sheen can go from really gritty <b>...</b>

It seems that Charlie Sheen's wild lifestyle has finally caught up with.

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Is This the Best <b>News</b> Picture in the World? World Press Photo <b>...</b>

Jodi Bieber wins the World Press Photo of the Year for her portrait of an Afghan woman who was disfigured by her husband on authority of the Taliban.

Makeover-O-Matic: How Charlie Sheen can go from really gritty <b>...</b>

It seems that Charlie Sheen's wild lifestyle has finally caught up with.

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bench craft company

Work at home scam by koka_sexton

bench craft company
bench craft company

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Is This the Best <b>News</b> Picture in the World? World Press Photo <b>...</b>

Jodi Bieber wins the World Press Photo of the Year for her portrait of an Afghan woman who was disfigured by her husband on authority of the Taliban.

Makeover-O-Matic: How Charlie Sheen can go from really gritty <b>...</b>

It seems that Charlie Sheen's wild lifestyle has finally caught up with.

bench craft company

Every day it seems as if another person finds internet riches; the allure to make money online has called many to seek out various methods and techniques to turn their skills and hobbies into an online revenue machine.

Unfortunately, there are also people out there that are untrustworthy and will even go to the length to scam newcomers that seek out guidance to make money online. If you want to avoid these scams and get to the ground-floor into earning and online revenue read this article and you'll discover the fundamental methods that are proven to work.

♦ ♦ Method 1: Blogging ♦ ♦

There's a lot of debate amongst bloggers about whether making money through blogging is worthwhile and can return on the time invested to produce continuous content. Debates aside; there are many people that have turned their passion for writing into an online business.

Blogging is different than sharing your skills and knowledge to a group of people; if you offer great advice and insight you will find people that are willing to pay for it. Likewise, building traffic to your blog (through great content) will open up the possibility to sell advertising, earn money through ad platforms like Adsense, allow you to open an online store, offer consulting and even sell other peoples products as an affiliate.

The reason why most don't believe that blogging can be profitable is that they rarely stick through with it until it turns so. It takes many years for the average blogger to build up their blog to earn money online; if this is the route you choose, be sure you have the passion to stick with it for a very long time even if you see little reward in the beginning.

♦ ♦ Method 2: Article writing ♦ ♦

Articles are a great way to engage internet users and can also be used to earn a little money on the side (or even full time). Articles, such as this one, can be used to make money online in three fundamental ways:

- Write for paid article websites (or your own site)
- Write for clients or freelance websites
- Write and sell articles on article marketplaces

Each of these are more lucrative than the next and will give you a wide range of freedom. The key to successfully making money through your writing is to balance in quality, search engine optimization and article topic. Also, always remember to diversify your income streams - try each of these methods out to find which works best for you.

♦ ♦ Method 3: Sell your own items ♦ ♦

Every year it becomes easier for the average person to sell items online. Unlike when the web started where you needed your own website and people rarely trusted online commerce; today everything has changed due to large marketplaces such as Amazon and eBay leading the pack.

Here are some ways you can make money online selling your own articles:

- Start a website, install a shopping cart and take orders
- Sell new and used items on Ebay, Amazon or other marketplaces
- Sell directly to people through social media or email
- Sell your information or physical products through your blog
- Sell items through your affiliate links you place in your online content

There are even websites that will give you an online shop absolutely free or if you pay to take your online sales to the next level you can create your own online business from the ground up - if you have the passion and drive, of course.

♦ ♦ Method 4: Sell other people's items ♦ ♦

Affiliate marketing has been around for ages offline and online. Affiliate marketing is when you sell other people's stuff in exchange for a commission; it's relatively simple to understand and start but hard to master.

Using any of the techniques explained above coupled with affiliate marketing; you can set yourself up to earn a lot of money depending on what products you choose to promote. The best thing to remember when selling affiliate products is to first offer great content, share why you recommend it and only offer products or services that is relevant to your readers and followers.

Here are a few places where you can begin affiliate marketing:


There are thousands of affiliate marketplaces and in-house systems that will allow you to begin making money selling a company's items; just be sure you do enough research to see if the product is in demand and whether the marketplace/business is reputable.

♦ ♦ Method 5: Sell your skills as services ♦ ♦

Finally, the easiest way to begin making money online is to simply offer your skills or services.

Websites all across the net will allow you to list your skills such as Freelancer, Elance, Guru and others; you'll have a lot of competition but there are always people looking for skills on demand.

Additionally, you could always offer your skills or services through your own website, blog or online profile. When you become known within a community as an authority on your particular skill or hobby - word gets passed around and eventually clients will come to you.

Never underestimate the quality of your skills; even if you don't feel you offer the best services, people still need the task to be completed and if you're the one that can do it; you've set yourself up to make money online.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Making Money With Website

If the Dalai Lama was watching the Super Bowl, he probably wasn't laughing at Groupon's ad. The spot featured actor Timothy Hutton, speaking in an ultra-serious tone, and making light of the Chinese occupation of Tibet, a situation many find morally contemptuous. "The people of Tibet are in trouble," he said. "Their very culture is in jeopardy ... but they still whip up an amazing fish curry. And since 200 of us bought at, we're getting $30 of Tibetan food for just $15 at Himalayan Restaurant in Chicago."

Funny? Some people didn't think so. A few minutes after the ad aired, a backlash quickly ignited on Twitter. Watch the clip above and tell us what you think: Was the ad in poor taste?

[Updated at 8:55 a.m.: Groupon responds on its website and offers to match donations to the Tibet Fund: "The gist of the concept is this: When groups of people act together to do something, it’s usually to help a cause. With Groupon, people act together to help themselves by getting great deals. So what if we did a parody of a celebrity-narrated, PSA-style commercial that you think is about some noble cause (such as “Save the Whales”), but then it’s revealed to actually be a passionate call to action to help yourself (as in “Save the Money”)?

“Since we grew out of a collective action and philanthropy site ( and ended up selling coupons, we loved the idea of poking fun at ourselves by talking about discounts as a noble cause. So we bought the spots, hired mockumentary expert Christopher Guest to direct them, enlisted some celebrity faux-philanthropists, and plopped down three Groupon ads before, during, and after the biggest American football game in the world.

“You can view the already-aired commercials, as well as new ones as we release them, at And if you’ve saved enough money for yourself and feel like saving something else, you can donate to mission-driven organizations that are doing great work for the causes featured in our PSA parodies. If you guys pony up, Groupon will contribute matching donations of up to $100,000 for three featured charities -- Rainforest Action Network, buildOn, and the Tibet Fund -- and Groupon credit of up to $100,000 for contributions made to Greenpeace.”]

-- Melissa Maerz

(Editor’s note: Curtis Smolar is a partner at Ropers Majeski Kohn & Bentley. He submitted this column to VentureBeat.)

A reader asks: My business is in an industry where sales people and software engineers are often recruited by competitors.  How can I protect my company from being raided?

Answer: Employers use what are called restrictive covenants to protect trade secrets and prevent employees from unfairly stealing clients and/or information.  Courts heavily scrutinize these covenants so it is imperative to have a seasoned attorney assist you with writing one that will be enforceable under the laws of the state where your company is located. (Just missing a few words can create tremendous grief for an employer.)

There are a variety of these available, but let’s look at the most common:

Non-disclosure agreeements: Non-disclosure agreements (“NDAs”) are one of the most effective and commonly used solutions to this problem.  An NDA protects information that is a trade secret – data that has economic value (actual or potential) due to its exclusivity and is something you’re making efforts to keep secret.

Taking trade secrets without the owner’s consent is called misappropriation and if an employee misappropriates a trade secret, a company has the right to recover:

  • Actual damages it suffers from the theft

  • Repayment of the money made by the employee (or his new employer) as a result of the trade secret theft

  • Injunctions requiring the return of the stolen property

  • Attorney’s fees

To ensure the full protection of an NDA, you’ll need to require the employee to sign a confidentiality agreement when they come on board that defines the scope of information your company is trying to protect.  This can be anything from a company’s secret sauce to pricing, lists and business processes.

Additionally, the NDA should contain a proprietary inventions assignment agreement (PIAA), which ensures that all work products created by the employee belong to the company and not to the employee – and the employee has no right to take them when he or she leaves the company.  This can include everything from software programs to customer lists to website designs to pricing.

Covenants not to compete – Better known as non-compete agreements, the enforceability of these varies dramatically from state to state.  In the states in which they are enforceable, like New York or Massachusetts, they can be very powerful tools.  In other states, like California, they are generally prohibited.

California specifically has a statute stating that restrictive covenants not to compete are presumed invalid unless specific circumstances apply.  For example, if the owner of a company sells their business, a non-compete may be enforceable against him or her in California.

For the states where these are enforceable, there are still some restrictions based on the duration of the agreement, geographical location and the breadth of activity prohibited.

Additionally, in many cases it doesn’t matter where the agreement was entered into or what the laws are there. If the employee moves to another state, either during or after employment, things can become muddled. So, it’s best to use non-competes with great caution. They may not be as effective as you initially think.

Non-solicitation – There are basically two kinds of non-solicitation agreements – non solicitation of employees and non-solicitation of clients.

Non-solicitation of employees is generally enforceable in most states, but a non-solicitation of clients may be considered an unfair restraint on trade.  The exception in those situations is if the non-solicitation agreement is necessary to protect trade secrets.

Non-solicitation agreements are generally less onerous then covenants not to compete and typically more enforceable.

Startup owners: Got a legal question about your business? Submit it in the comments below or email Curtis directly. It could end up in an upcoming “Ask the Attorney” column.

Disclaimer: This “Ask the Attorney” post discusses general legal issues, but it does not constitute legal advice in any respect.  No reader should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information presented herein without seeking the advice of counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.  VentureBeat, the author and the author’s firm expressly disclaim all liability in respect of any actions taken or not taken based on any contents of this post.

Next Story: Sony Ericsson’s Xperia Playstation Phone to launch on Feb. 13 Previous Story: How HP designed its new angled touchscreen desktops (video)

bench craft company

OFWs claim jail beatings - Arab <b>News</b>

Monterona told Arab News in an email that he has received several messages from jailed OFWs asking for assistance. One such message was from Farouq Hadji Malik Bayabao, who claimed that he and his fellow inmates had been heavily beaten ...

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

bench craft company

If the Dalai Lama was watching the Super Bowl, he probably wasn't laughing at Groupon's ad. The spot featured actor Timothy Hutton, speaking in an ultra-serious tone, and making light of the Chinese occupation of Tibet, a situation many find morally contemptuous. "The people of Tibet are in trouble," he said. "Their very culture is in jeopardy ... but they still whip up an amazing fish curry. And since 200 of us bought at, we're getting $30 of Tibetan food for just $15 at Himalayan Restaurant in Chicago."

Funny? Some people didn't think so. A few minutes after the ad aired, a backlash quickly ignited on Twitter. Watch the clip above and tell us what you think: Was the ad in poor taste?

[Updated at 8:55 a.m.: Groupon responds on its website and offers to match donations to the Tibet Fund: "The gist of the concept is this: When groups of people act together to do something, it’s usually to help a cause. With Groupon, people act together to help themselves by getting great deals. So what if we did a parody of a celebrity-narrated, PSA-style commercial that you think is about some noble cause (such as “Save the Whales”), but then it’s revealed to actually be a passionate call to action to help yourself (as in “Save the Money”)?

“Since we grew out of a collective action and philanthropy site ( and ended up selling coupons, we loved the idea of poking fun at ourselves by talking about discounts as a noble cause. So we bought the spots, hired mockumentary expert Christopher Guest to direct them, enlisted some celebrity faux-philanthropists, and plopped down three Groupon ads before, during, and after the biggest American football game in the world.

“You can view the already-aired commercials, as well as new ones as we release them, at And if you’ve saved enough money for yourself and feel like saving something else, you can donate to mission-driven organizations that are doing great work for the causes featured in our PSA parodies. If you guys pony up, Groupon will contribute matching donations of up to $100,000 for three featured charities -- Rainforest Action Network, buildOn, and the Tibet Fund -- and Groupon credit of up to $100,000 for contributions made to Greenpeace.”]

-- Melissa Maerz

(Editor’s note: Curtis Smolar is a partner at Ropers Majeski Kohn & Bentley. He submitted this column to VentureBeat.)

A reader asks: My business is in an industry where sales people and software engineers are often recruited by competitors.  How can I protect my company from being raided?

Answer: Employers use what are called restrictive covenants to protect trade secrets and prevent employees from unfairly stealing clients and/or information.  Courts heavily scrutinize these covenants so it is imperative to have a seasoned attorney assist you with writing one that will be enforceable under the laws of the state where your company is located. (Just missing a few words can create tremendous grief for an employer.)

There are a variety of these available, but let’s look at the most common:

Non-disclosure agreeements: Non-disclosure agreements (“NDAs”) are one of the most effective and commonly used solutions to this problem.  An NDA protects information that is a trade secret – data that has economic value (actual or potential) due to its exclusivity and is something you’re making efforts to keep secret.

Taking trade secrets without the owner’s consent is called misappropriation and if an employee misappropriates a trade secret, a company has the right to recover:

  • Actual damages it suffers from the theft

  • Repayment of the money made by the employee (or his new employer) as a result of the trade secret theft

  • Injunctions requiring the return of the stolen property

  • Attorney’s fees

To ensure the full protection of an NDA, you’ll need to require the employee to sign a confidentiality agreement when they come on board that defines the scope of information your company is trying to protect.  This can be anything from a company’s secret sauce to pricing, lists and business processes.

Additionally, the NDA should contain a proprietary inventions assignment agreement (PIAA), which ensures that all work products created by the employee belong to the company and not to the employee – and the employee has no right to take them when he or she leaves the company.  This can include everything from software programs to customer lists to website designs to pricing.

Covenants not to compete – Better known as non-compete agreements, the enforceability of these varies dramatically from state to state.  In the states in which they are enforceable, like New York or Massachusetts, they can be very powerful tools.  In other states, like California, they are generally prohibited.

California specifically has a statute stating that restrictive covenants not to compete are presumed invalid unless specific circumstances apply.  For example, if the owner of a company sells their business, a non-compete may be enforceable against him or her in California.

For the states where these are enforceable, there are still some restrictions based on the duration of the agreement, geographical location and the breadth of activity prohibited.

Additionally, in many cases it doesn’t matter where the agreement was entered into or what the laws are there. If the employee moves to another state, either during or after employment, things can become muddled. So, it’s best to use non-competes with great caution. They may not be as effective as you initially think.

Non-solicitation – There are basically two kinds of non-solicitation agreements – non solicitation of employees and non-solicitation of clients.

Non-solicitation of employees is generally enforceable in most states, but a non-solicitation of clients may be considered an unfair restraint on trade.  The exception in those situations is if the non-solicitation agreement is necessary to protect trade secrets.

Non-solicitation agreements are generally less onerous then covenants not to compete and typically more enforceable.

Startup owners: Got a legal question about your business? Submit it in the comments below or email Curtis directly. It could end up in an upcoming “Ask the Attorney” column.

Disclaimer: This “Ask the Attorney” post discusses general legal issues, but it does not constitute legal advice in any respect.  No reader should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information presented herein without seeking the advice of counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.  VentureBeat, the author and the author’s firm expressly disclaim all liability in respect of any actions taken or not taken based on any contents of this post.

Next Story: Sony Ericsson’s Xperia Playstation Phone to launch on Feb. 13 Previous Story: How HP designed its new angled touchscreen desktops (video)

bench craft company>

OFWs claim jail beatings - Arab <b>News</b>

Monterona told Arab News in an email that he has received several messages from jailed OFWs asking for assistance. One such message was from Farouq Hadji Malik Bayabao, who claimed that he and his fellow inmates had been heavily beaten ...

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

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bench craft company

Speed Affiliate Code l Make Money At Warp Speed by thenyouwin

bench craft company

OFWs claim jail beatings - Arab <b>News</b>

Monterona told Arab News in an email that he has received several messages from jailed OFWs asking for assistance. One such message was from Farouq Hadji Malik Bayabao, who claimed that he and his fellow inmates had been heavily beaten ...

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

bench craft company

If the Dalai Lama was watching the Super Bowl, he probably wasn't laughing at Groupon's ad. The spot featured actor Timothy Hutton, speaking in an ultra-serious tone, and making light of the Chinese occupation of Tibet, a situation many find morally contemptuous. "The people of Tibet are in trouble," he said. "Their very culture is in jeopardy ... but they still whip up an amazing fish curry. And since 200 of us bought at, we're getting $30 of Tibetan food for just $15 at Himalayan Restaurant in Chicago."

Funny? Some people didn't think so. A few minutes after the ad aired, a backlash quickly ignited on Twitter. Watch the clip above and tell us what you think: Was the ad in poor taste?

[Updated at 8:55 a.m.: Groupon responds on its website and offers to match donations to the Tibet Fund: "The gist of the concept is this: When groups of people act together to do something, it’s usually to help a cause. With Groupon, people act together to help themselves by getting great deals. So what if we did a parody of a celebrity-narrated, PSA-style commercial that you think is about some noble cause (such as “Save the Whales”), but then it’s revealed to actually be a passionate call to action to help yourself (as in “Save the Money”)?

“Since we grew out of a collective action and philanthropy site ( and ended up selling coupons, we loved the idea of poking fun at ourselves by talking about discounts as a noble cause. So we bought the spots, hired mockumentary expert Christopher Guest to direct them, enlisted some celebrity faux-philanthropists, and plopped down three Groupon ads before, during, and after the biggest American football game in the world.

“You can view the already-aired commercials, as well as new ones as we release them, at And if you’ve saved enough money for yourself and feel like saving something else, you can donate to mission-driven organizations that are doing great work for the causes featured in our PSA parodies. If you guys pony up, Groupon will contribute matching donations of up to $100,000 for three featured charities -- Rainforest Action Network, buildOn, and the Tibet Fund -- and Groupon credit of up to $100,000 for contributions made to Greenpeace.”]

-- Melissa Maerz

(Editor’s note: Curtis Smolar is a partner at Ropers Majeski Kohn & Bentley. He submitted this column to VentureBeat.)

A reader asks: My business is in an industry where sales people and software engineers are often recruited by competitors.  How can I protect my company from being raided?

Answer: Employers use what are called restrictive covenants to protect trade secrets and prevent employees from unfairly stealing clients and/or information.  Courts heavily scrutinize these covenants so it is imperative to have a seasoned attorney assist you with writing one that will be enforceable under the laws of the state where your company is located. (Just missing a few words can create tremendous grief for an employer.)

There are a variety of these available, but let’s look at the most common:

Non-disclosure agreeements: Non-disclosure agreements (“NDAs”) are one of the most effective and commonly used solutions to this problem.  An NDA protects information that is a trade secret – data that has economic value (actual or potential) due to its exclusivity and is something you’re making efforts to keep secret.

Taking trade secrets without the owner’s consent is called misappropriation and if an employee misappropriates a trade secret, a company has the right to recover:

  • Actual damages it suffers from the theft

  • Repayment of the money made by the employee (or his new employer) as a result of the trade secret theft

  • Injunctions requiring the return of the stolen property

  • Attorney’s fees

To ensure the full protection of an NDA, you’ll need to require the employee to sign a confidentiality agreement when they come on board that defines the scope of information your company is trying to protect.  This can be anything from a company’s secret sauce to pricing, lists and business processes.

Additionally, the NDA should contain a proprietary inventions assignment agreement (PIAA), which ensures that all work products created by the employee belong to the company and not to the employee – and the employee has no right to take them when he or she leaves the company.  This can include everything from software programs to customer lists to website designs to pricing.

Covenants not to compete – Better known as non-compete agreements, the enforceability of these varies dramatically from state to state.  In the states in which they are enforceable, like New York or Massachusetts, they can be very powerful tools.  In other states, like California, they are generally prohibited.

California specifically has a statute stating that restrictive covenants not to compete are presumed invalid unless specific circumstances apply.  For example, if the owner of a company sells their business, a non-compete may be enforceable against him or her in California.

For the states where these are enforceable, there are still some restrictions based on the duration of the agreement, geographical location and the breadth of activity prohibited.

Additionally, in many cases it doesn’t matter where the agreement was entered into or what the laws are there. If the employee moves to another state, either during or after employment, things can become muddled. So, it’s best to use non-competes with great caution. They may not be as effective as you initially think.

Non-solicitation – There are basically two kinds of non-solicitation agreements – non solicitation of employees and non-solicitation of clients.

Non-solicitation of employees is generally enforceable in most states, but a non-solicitation of clients may be considered an unfair restraint on trade.  The exception in those situations is if the non-solicitation agreement is necessary to protect trade secrets.

Non-solicitation agreements are generally less onerous then covenants not to compete and typically more enforceable.

Startup owners: Got a legal question about your business? Submit it in the comments below or email Curtis directly. It could end up in an upcoming “Ask the Attorney” column.

Disclaimer: This “Ask the Attorney” post discusses general legal issues, but it does not constitute legal advice in any respect.  No reader should act or refrain from acting on the basis of any information presented herein without seeking the advice of counsel in the relevant jurisdiction.  VentureBeat, the author and the author’s firm expressly disclaim all liability in respect of any actions taken or not taken based on any contents of this post.

Next Story: Sony Ericsson’s Xperia Playstation Phone to launch on Feb. 13 Previous Story: How HP designed its new angled touchscreen desktops (video)

bench craft company

Speed Affiliate Code l Make Money At Warp Speed by thenyouwin

bench craft company

OFWs claim jail beatings - Arab <b>News</b>

Monterona told Arab News in an email that he has received several messages from jailed OFWs asking for assistance. One such message was from Farouq Hadji Malik Bayabao, who claimed that he and his fellow inmates had been heavily beaten ...

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

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OFWs claim jail beatings - Arab <b>News</b>

Monterona told Arab News in an email that he has received several messages from jailed OFWs asking for assistance. One such message was from Farouq Hadji Malik Bayabao, who claimed that he and his fellow inmates had been heavily beaten ...

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

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OFWs claim jail beatings - Arab <b>News</b>

Monterona told Arab News in an email that he has received several messages from jailed OFWs asking for assistance. One such message was from Farouq Hadji Malik Bayabao, who claimed that he and his fellow inmates had been heavily beaten ...

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

bench craft company

OFWs claim jail beatings - Arab <b>News</b>

Monterona told Arab News in an email that he has received several messages from jailed OFWs asking for assistance. One such message was from Farouq Hadji Malik Bayabao, who claimed that he and his fellow inmates had been heavily beaten ...

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

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bench craft company

Speed Affiliate Code l Make Money At Warp Speed by thenyouwin

bench craft company
bench craft company

OFWs claim jail beatings - Arab <b>News</b>

Monterona told Arab News in an email that he has received several messages from jailed OFWs asking for assistance. One such message was from Farouq Hadji Malik Bayabao, who claimed that he and his fellow inmates had been heavily beaten ...

Jeff Fager, David Rhodes, Sean McManus Shuffled at CBS <b>News</b>: What <b>...</b>

In a surprise even to insiders, 60 Minutes executive producer Jeff Fager will lead the news division, along with Bloomberg's David Rhodes. Howard Kurtz on the back story—and what it spells for Katie Couric.

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/9 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans! A thank you to Joel and Chris for covering for me. Technology seems to hate me lately. Today's Kansas City Chiefs news covers a lot of topics: the national anthem, racial bias, Super Bowl odds, and pork. Enjoy.

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If you are in need of extra income and you are reading this right now, then you may already have the tools you need to make extra money from home. This Associated Content guide will help you.

Nicole Gray asks Can You Make an Income from Your Home Computer ? In this article she explains how tot find a legitimate job from home while not falling for the scams on the internet. She also explains that you really have to apply yourself to make money from home with your computer. It is not going to be a piece of cake.

Deborah Scofield asks if a Work from Home Business is a Pipe Dream or Practical Business Plan. The article details the steps you must take to create an online business. She warns that it will not happen overnight, but it takes time and patience to do so.

Marc Melnick lists Legitimate Ways to Generate Money with Your Computer. In his article, he talks about call centers, marketing, and social networking as ways to generate money. You don't want to miss this article from someone who makes all of his living from his personal computer.

Amalynn discusses becoming a Home Travel Agent: A Little Known Work-at-Home Internet Business. If you love travel, you will definitely want to read this article.

Shannon Frye wrote Transcription Jobs from Home. This article helps you determine where and how to look for a transcription job. She explains how a typical transcription job works and also helps you to determine if a transcription job is in fact a job and not a scam to take the money of innocent people.

If you decide to do a telecommuting job, there are certain things you will need in advance, Renee H has written a Checklist for a Work at Home Telecommuting Job. This article tells you how to handle noise in the home from pets and children, and also explains what equipment and wiring you will need.

If you are reading this article right now, then you may also know that Associated Content where this article is hosted is a great place for a writer to make a living online. While it takes some time to build your portfolio and a bit of skill to get good offers for your work, Associated Content can be a full time job or at least part of a full time business. This article was written from my personal experiences at AC, a site I have been writing for for several years. This site supplies me with a good part time income and serves as a magnet for website owners who also ask me to write for them.